Play Bingo Baseball at Bingo Angels

Bingo BaseballBingo Baseball is played every Monday to Friday at 8pm. There are ten innings and each Bingo Angels player gives the GM a number from 1 to 75 and any corner number 1, 15, 61 or 75. This will be your base number.

Have You Tried Playing Bingo Baseball at Bingo Angels?

If the Game bingo’s on your number you got a HOMERUN (10points). If your BASE number is called during the game you got on BASE(5points). If your BASE number isn’t called and it doesn’t bingo on your HOMERUN Number, but it bingo’s on your Letter you get 2 points. (Example My HOMERUN Number is I 26 and BASE is 75. 75 is called during game and then it bingo’s on I 26 This means I would get 17 points for that game).

The Bingo Angels top 5 players with most points at end of the week will win bonuses 1st place 25bbs , 2nd place 20bbs and 3rd place 15bbs 4th 10bbs & 5th 5bbs. Good Luck Everyone and enjoy playing Bingo Baseball at this Canadian Bingo site.


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